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References: (click on underlined articles to open the full publication)

In chronological order, includes a selection of studies that have utilized the STI as an outcome measure

Rosén B. Recovery of sensory and motor function after nerve repair. A rationale for evaluation.  J Hand Ther 1996;9:315–327.

Rosén B, Lundborg G. A new tactile gnosis instrument in sensibility testing. J Hand Therapy 1998:11:251-257.

Rosén B, Lundborg G. A model instrument for the documentation of outcome after nerve repair. J Hand Surg, 2000:25A:535.543.

Rosén B, Jerosch-Herold C. Comparing the responsiveness over time of two tactile gnosis tests: two-point discrimination and the STI-test. Br J Hand Ther, 2000;5(4):114-119.

Rosén B, Lundborg G. The long term recovery curve in adults after median or ulnar nerve repair: a reference interval. Journal of Hand Surgery (British and European Volume). 2001; 26(3):196-200.

Rosén B. Inter-tester reliability of a tactile gnosis test: the STI-test., British J Hand Ther 2003;8(3):98-101

Rosén B, Lundborg G. A new model instrument for outcome after nerve repair. Hand clinics. 2003; 19(3):463-70.

Jerosch-Herold C. Assessment of sensibility after nerve injury and repair: a systematic review of evidence for validity, reliability and responsiveness of tests. The Journal of Hand Surgery: British & European Volume. 2005 Jun 30;30(3):252-64.

Svensson E, Häger-Ross C. Hand function in Charcot Marie Tooth : test retest reliability of some measurements. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2006;20(10)

Vordemvenne T, Langer M, Ochman S, Raschke M, Schult M. Long-term results after primary microsurgical repair of ulnar and median nerve injuries: A comparison of common score systems. Clinical neurology and neurosurgery. 2007; 109(3):263-71.

Eklund E, Svensson E, Häger-Ross C. Hand function and disability of the arm, shoulder and hand in Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Disabil Rehabil. 2009;31(23)

Christina Jerosch-Herold, Lee Shepstone, Leanne Miller and Peter Chapman. The responsiveness of sensibility and strength tests in patients undergoing carpal tunnel
decompression 2011, 12:244 

Post R, de Boer KS, Malessy MJ. Outcome following nerve repair of high isolated clean sharp injuries of the ulnar nerve. PLoS One. 2012 Oct 17;7(10):e47928.

Miller LK, Chester R, Jerosch-Herold C. Effects of sensory reeducation programs on functional hand sensibility after median and ulnar repair: a systematic review. Journal of Hand Therapy. 2012 Sep 30;25(3):297-307.

Rosén B, Björkman A, Boeckstyns M. Differential recovery of touch thresholds and discriminative touch following nerve repair with focus on time dynamics. Hand Therapy. 2014;1758998314538004.

van Gils W, Reinders-Messelink HA, Smit-Klaij F, Bongers RM, Dijkstra PU, van der Sluis CK. Sensibility of the stump in adults with an acquired major upper extremity amputation. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. 2013;94(11):2179-85.

Rosén B, Vikström P, Turner S, McGrouther DA, Selles RW, Schreuders TA, Björkman A. Enhanced early sensory outcome after nerve repair as a result of immediate post-operative re-learning: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume). 2015;40(6):598-606.

Ekstrand E, Lexell J, Brogårdh C.Test-retest reliability of the Shape/Texture Identification testTM in people with chronic stroke. Clin Rehabil. 2016 Nov;30(11):1120-1127.

Jerosch-Herold, C., Houghton, J., Miller, L., & Shepstone, L. (2016). Does sensory relearning improve tactile function after carpal tunnel decompression? A pragmatic, assessor-blinded, randomized clinical trial. The Journal of Hand Surgery, European Volume, 41(9), 948–956

Christina Jerosch-Herold, Lee Shepstone, Leanne Miller and Peter Chapman. The responsiveness of sensibility and strength tests in patients undergoing carpal tunnel
decompression 2011, 12:244 

Linnertz, P.,  Prieto, J., Rosén, B. (2018) Shape-texture-identfication--STI--A test for tactile gnosis: Concurrent validity of STI2. Journal of Hand Therapy, online July 17, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jht.2018.05.004


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